Story Circles

“The shortest distance between two people is a story.”

Originator Unknown

Story Circles include 6-10 people who gather and share stories on a common theme from their own lives. Collectively, the group explores what can be learned from the stories together that would be harder to understand from any particular story alone. Everyone has an important story to tell, our experiences are interconnected, and we can make new connections between experiences, ideas, people, and actions as we consider multiple perspectives. Listening to others’ stories and telling our own is deeply nourishing.

What are Story Circles?

People are storytellers. We learn, are motivated, and connect through stories. Because of this, stories are everywhere and are used for many purposes. Leaders use stories to inspire, businesses to sell, filmmakers to entertain, educators to teach, and therapists to heal. Even so, we rarely utilize structured group-based storytelling to intentionally nurture social connections.

Come get swept away in other people’s stories, be understood anew through your story, and gain understandings with others that would not be possible alone. Let’s shorten the distance between us.

How does sharing stories in a small group build relational well-being?


Communal Reading