Cassie Power, Ph.D

Cassie (she/her) is a social psychologist, gender studies practitioner, and community engagement professional. Throughout her career she has been deeply committed to joining together with others to create more equitable communities and purpose driven, relational, and reflective learning. Cassie received her Ph.D. in social psychology and women’s studies from the University of Michigan, and spent over 15 years working in higher education as a community engaged professor, equity educator, and academic and faculty development specialist. 

Relational Communities

Cassie is now using her expertise to develop relational well-being in communities. Cassie founded Relational Communities out of a recognition that in order to create more healthy, just, and liberatory communities, we need to do a better job of developing relational well-being; or interpersonal social connections that promote belonging, empathy, compassion, social support, and social capital. Cassie has developed and facilitated several different types of gatherings that promote relational well-being, and can facilitate these gatherings for your group. Cassie has facilitated groups that have included business owners and managers, municipal leaders, professors and academic developers, librarians, and mental health therapists among others. She can also work with you to design plans that meet your group’s specialized needs.